Sunday, April 11, 2010

Into the Night (poem)

Barefoot and breathless
I ran through the
thick darkened forest
following a light,
a shooting star, or
fragment from the moon,
either way
I must find it soon!
It flashed before my eyes,
dancing in the sky
like a butterfly might
playing with the night.

Scurrying like a mouse
on fallen tree brush,
feeling little pricks
piercing under foot.
It was on this night
a clear and starless sky
it emerged from the darkness
glowing like a firefly.
I search and search
but sleepy I am
and out of breath
I rest my head
against the comfort of
an old tree friend,
and in the early morning
what to my wondrous delight
I awaken to find
dancing beside me
A spirited, sparkly sprite!


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