Saturday, March 27, 2010

Something on My Mind (Poem)

I was wide awake the other night and feeling something: stress, uneasiness, caffeine effects, something that would not allow me to rest and go to sleep. I turned on the laptop, wrote this, and felt better. I still never pinpointed what weighed so heavily but the poem was definitely therapeutic.

There's something on my mind
it lays there like a lazy cat
not moving but making
an impression in the
space it occupies.
I'm sleepless in my
comfortable bed
my limbs flail about
from side to side
hanging one foot off the edge
suspended in mid-air
like falling but never
touching the ground.
Two pillows, one pillow...
suddenly the evenness of
every other evening
is gone this night,
but it must linger
as it was only yesterday
I rested so well.
This stillness, now forgotten
lays beneath
this something
that vexes me
hovers over me
piercing like tiny
acupunture needles
that only look painful.
The keyboard,
my constant companion,
has offered to
endure with me
the plight of
the sleepless night.
There's definitely something
on my mind.


Jen L. said...

Nice. I like it.
Particularly the "keyboard... enduring with you the plight of the sleepless night".

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