Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Meatless Life

It's true - it's been a meatless life for me for nearly 16 years. Wow, remembering back to 1994 when my boyfriend, John, and I decided to stop eating meat. We didn't know what we were in for. We knew it was the right decision but when we went grocery shopping, we looked at each other and almost simultaneously said, "What are we going to eat??" Wasn't pretty for a while but we made it. And even after we went our separate ways, our conviction remained. Seeing him again years later, the first thing we asked each other was "You still not eating meat?" Like we wanted to see who could go the longest, lol...

Since then it's been a constant lesson in foods and the nutritional value they have. Protein. Who thought about protein? But it was something I had to make sure I was getting enough of. And then all these yummy soy replacement foods, rich in protein, came out and I was in heaven. I could almost live a normal life again. I came to worship products like Morningstar Farms and Boca, and even the Tofurky at Thanksgiving! It was better than I thought it would be. Fish is an excellent source of protein too and try to get a regular dose of it now - never used to like it though.

But it's not just the food that becomes an issue with being a vegetarian, it actually affects my love life. How many men out there are vegetarians? Not a whole lot, especially up in the sticks where I live. And when they hear I'm a vegetarian, they immediately worry if I'm going to judge them or have an issue with the monstrous bloody steak on their plate when we go out to dinner. Back in the early days I used to preach quite a bit, and sometimes today I can't help myself when I meet someone who is a hunter. I have to ask, "What's wrong, not enough dead animal to choose from at the meat counter at Price Chopper?" I mean really, don't we have enough of those people who kill animals for a living so there is enough meat for the masses. Do people really need to go out and kill their own dinner? Really now!

Aside from my one dig, I'm usually very laid back about it all now. You eat what you eat, and I'll eat what I eat. That seems simple enough, right? Not exactly. You see, men today, even though they are more independent than ever, still want a woman who can cook and clean for them. It's a part of their make-up. Sure they will often-times contribute and cook themselves, but that is a bonus really. They really want someone who can cook for them, and as soon as I tell any potential mate - meateater of course - that I am a vegetarian, I can hear the silent alarm go off in their heads, not to mention the silence on the other end of the phone as they try to think of what to say to what I've just told them.

And the questions in their minds begin to mount. "Does that mean I can't eat meat with her? Will we have problems going out to dinner? Will she never be able to cook meals that have meat in them? Will she make me become a vegetarian?" Yes, all of these questions rush through their minds, eventually spilling out of their mouths, leaving me to explain why I choose to not eat meat. I simply do not condone the killing and slaughter of animals. I mean seriously though, do I really have to explain myself, or shouldn't he be the one to explain why he advocates the death of innocent animals and then continues to eat them? I love the ones that say, "I bet I can get you to eat meat again." What?? And who would that be for?? Hmmm? Me? Doubt it! Basically, we all have free will and I am simply exercising mine.


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