Friday, May 14, 2010

21st Century Dating

Dating... if that's what you want to call it. It's nothing like it used to be. It's all online, a virtual reality of intimacy. Connecting, or thinking you're connecting, with someone who could be anywhere, doing anything, while they're typing flirty, erotic lines, thinking this is what a girl wants. What?? If you've ever been approached online, say at Myspace or Facebook (which I thought was safe until I was IM'd by a FB friend that was drunk and looking for a little online action. He's been defriended!), you know what I mean.

Sure, those creepy guys that used to come up to you in a bar wanting to take you home, or at least find out if they're able to take advantage of you because you've had one too many drinks, are not in the bars anymore. They're online, like idiots, thinking that they can get satisfied having virtual encounters with women right in front of their computers. I've been privy to these types of conversations, and I can tell you first hand, they're entertaining initially but then it's just plain stupid. Do you really think women want to carry on virtual sexual relationships? Christ, if we really knew this person, we might not even want to stand too close him. But that's the beauty of this online crap... the mystery of reality and the intrigue that it creates. You know what? It's a fantasy, it's a fallacy, it's a facade; a cover made to look like the real thing you want and need, but is actually just a virtual representation of it, which couldn't be further from any truth or reality. God forbid they should attempt a real, genuine encounter - one that may lead to true intimacy that can be felt and explored.

When you get right down to it, it's insulting and it's humiliating to have someone approach you online, thinking you're there so they can get off. And yes, that's a crude way of saying it, but that's what it is, and I didn't create it or make it that way. This is the evolution of dating, and quite frankly, it sucks.


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